Capshine had an almost decade-old WordPress website designed by another agency that was hosted using our web hosting services and managed by our team. However, the website was outdated and lacked the classier look and feel that Capshine desired. Additionally, the website’s user interface and user experience were subpar, and Capshine needed a website that would better connect with their target audience.
As a result, Capshine contacted Win Authority to revamp their website. Given that we had a good understanding of Capshine’s company and target audience, we used WordPress to develop a modern and classy website that perfectly portrayed Capshine’s brand image and message. Our team of web developers worked hard to ensure that the website’s UI/UX was optimal and that it would offer users a seamless and engaging browsing experience.
The revamped website has numerous outstanding features that make it stand out. Firstly, the website’s user interface is intuitive, and users can easily find their way around the site. Secondly, the website’s design is modern and visually appealing, making it easy on the eyes. Additionally, the website is mobile responsive, ensuring that users can access it on their mobile devices with ease.
Moreover, the website has informative content that speaks to Capshine’s target audience, helping them to understand Capshine’s services and offerings better. The website also features a contact page with a user-friendly form that allows users to contact Capshine easily, a chatbot that their audience can reach out to them to get immediate response and an integration to a booking platform which allows their potential customers to schedule a one-to-one meeting with them and get started.
We are thrilled to have worked with Capshine on their website revamp project. We believe that the revamped website is a significant improvement over the previous website and that it accurately portrays Capshine’s brand image and message. We are confident that the new website will better connect with Capshine’s target audience and improve their online presence.

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