Inner Wheel 322's official website
Inner Wheel 322
Inner wheel is one of the largest International Women’s Voluntary Service Organisations which concentrates on friendship and service to the community. It is not what is termed a money raising organisation but each Club selects its own charities and channels of service.
Inner Wheel District 322 reached out to us to have their very basic website redesigned. We attended a few meetings with them and understood their end goal of having a website for their organization. Our team was researching and decided that WordPress is the way to go for this project as WordPress is easy for anyone to use and update content and so on. We then had to decide on a design that was suitable and that portrayed the organization while having a very easy-friendly layout. Once everything was done from our end, we tested the website on all major devices and once we confirmed that the responsiveness of all the layouts was maintained on all screens we launched the website.
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